Failure and disappointment are just a part of the process of getting to where we need to go. We all have memories of when life didn’t make sense, when we felt disconnected from reality and we had the feeling that we were wandering around in the wilderness. Yes, that is something we all must learn to navigate. But what is God doing during those difficult seasons?
Following Jesus Christ as a Christian is a life that is filled with excitement, joy, peace and purpose. But to be honest, there are those moments when we scratch our heads and wonder what God is up to! When we are confronted with the ways and thoughts of God not making sense to our limited understanding, we need to learn how to value God’s mystery without pushing the blame.
It is wise not to adjust our beliefs based on our circumstances because that would lead to false ideas of God and an incorrect understanding of who God is. But rather we adjust our reaction to circumstances based on the absolutes of God. Situations change, but God never does. God makes it very clear to us when He said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)
God sees things we don’t and He has a reason for everything. In pain there is a purpose. In tests there is a ruling truth. In hardship there is a Hero ready to rescue. The fact is; God is sovereignly in control all the time! That is very reassuring.
For example, recently my church was confronted with major disappointment in regards to a new building we were applying for. Weeks of preparation to apply for our permits and growing excitement about what lied ahead was suddenly halted when we were informed that another party had just signed a lease for the same building by another real-estate agent behind our backs. In shock I was confronted with a choice...Do I blame God and express my disappointment in not coming through for us OR do I declare His goodness, His majesty and holiness and just see this as a step up higher towards something bigger and better?
Could Romans 8:28 relate to this? Look at what is written, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” That means that we are to surrender to the higher plan of God and though it might be a mystery and we lack details, the truth is that God is moving towards a good outcome when we walk in relationship with Him.
No matter the circumstance we find ourselves in, the absolute nature of God's goodness still remains the same and His love and care for us shines through.We might never know why this failed, but I know God will never fail us, forsake us or forget us. His ways are higher and I am ok with not knowing the details.
It really is an internal battle that rages when confronted with God's mysterious ways. But it is in that place of the unknown that our faith gets a really good work out. It is when we cannot see, cannot understand and cannot know why we are tested that our faith will either stand or fall. That's why the "absolutes" of who God is carry us through these trying times. I encourage you to list and memorized the "absolutes" of God because I can guarantee you, you will refer to them often.
To help you along, here are some that I hold close and declare out loud: - God is good all of the time.
- God cannot love me more or love me less. He loves me completely right now.
- God treats me as a son, not a slave.
- God is sovereign and always in control.
- God knows, God cares and God hears my prayers.
- God cannot lie.
- God's promises are secure. If He said it, He will fulfill it.
- God's mystery is beautiful, He can be trusted.
- God hates sin, sickness, disease and all works of the devil. AND Jesus died to destroy them all.
- God is for me, not against me.
I hope these absolutes of God help you to navigate well the many trying seasons of life so that you can come out of it better and bigger instead of bitter and bogged down.

Pastor Mark Jurisic CITYWEST CHURCH