Higher levels

In about 1991 one of the people in my church realised that my education into the ways of being Australian was incomplete.  So he took me to the MCG for a one day international cricket match. He helped me through the match by giving me a running commentary.  And the day was a success, because I came away with a better understanding of the game.

The unfortunate thing is that I have not been to a cricket match since. However, I watched the Boxing Day test over the Christmas hols, and 2/3 of the 2nd test, and I read the rules of cricket on the internet as I watched, and I think I've got it now. But the important question in my life is: will I wait another 20 years before I use this knowledge?  Or will I learn to love the game and all its subtleties? Will I live in the light that has come on in my life?

I think this is probably a universal human experience, having moments or events that reveal a better way of life. They contain the hope that we might realise our full human potential, if only we would grasp them. God is often hidden within them, inviting us to rise above ourselves, to discover a full life in his light. Jesus says, ‘Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.’ [Revelation 3.20] Time spent with him lifts us to that higher level. He is life-empowering.

Rev Charles Potter
Christ Church Anglican Community