
"3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."  Romans 5:3-5

 In our western culture many Christians live a comfortable life, "suffering" is almost an option as we can often find numerous ways to escape the pain.   People can choose to turn to drugs, alcohol and even food to numb the pain of life’s circumstances.  
I’ve known Christians to move from church to church escaping the very thing that God wants to use to bring them to maturity. I’ve seen people get to a point of almost breaking through the realm of suffering into perseverance but fears and self doubt and not truly knowing the love of God holds them back, and they fall down yet again into a cycle of rejection and pain. 
Jesus as we know suffered much, and yet was perfect.  He had every reason to say to the Father “why me” its too hard” or its not fair”.    
As Christians we know the freedom and life that the suffering of our Savior brought to mankind, yet along with this freedom comes a call to be transformed into His likeness. We have a promise of Christlike character; if we seek it!  Jesus’ sacrifice of His life which brought freedom to the world reflects how we as Christians are to become like Him.  It’s in the suffering that that we learn to give up our selves, to give up selfish desires and to trust God with our future. Are you in a season of suffering? This very pain just may be what God is using to develop character; but there is one important thing to remember when we are going through trials; God does not want us to stay there!  His aim is that we live in peace and hope, knowing who we are in Him, knowing His love and provision and in a place where we can help others to find the same hope that we have.  Just as Jesus suffered, He also defeated death, His submission to the Father to the point of death reveals His character and brings the world hope. If you have asked God to transform and mould your character; expect to suffer.  If you struggle to find hope and are seeking to find rest for your soul, you will need to develop perseverance first.  Try to hang in there through the hard stuff, “do the time” so to speak and trust God with your life so you can finally say “ it is well with my soul”.

Rev. Julie Shannon
Highway of Hope Christian Church