Pure Love

The Christmas season is the most extreme time of year for most people, Christian or not.
The build up to the 25th December celebrations often involves a myriad of mini celebrations; school parties, small group finales, work breakups, Christmas celebration lunches and dinners everywhere we look!  Holiday planning, present budgeting (or not) and way too much of that “special occasion” food can become “all too much” weeks before Christmas day. For Christians all around the world, the birth of Jesus Christ is such a precious day, purely because we have grasped something of the enormity of how much we are loved!   The huge sacrifice God made in choosing to visit earth in the flesh in the form of a helpless baby! What a risk He took for humankind; the risk of allowing human parents to raise Him and to protect Him as he grew.  The risk of trusting his followers to proclaim the truth of who He is to all the world!  Jesus modeled to us the risk of trust in relationship the very moment He was conceived. We have got it wrong often, we can struggle to risk trusting God let alone others. Yet He still trusts us to bring His hope, love ,forgiveness and grace to the whole world.  I urge you this busy Christmas season to find time to reflect on how precious you are to your creator. God came to earth for you, He loves you so much, He knows your thoughts, your pain and your past.  Whether you know Him or not... He knows you.  Whether you’re flat out with people, or feeling very alone this Christmas; God has a future for you, He is pure love, He doesn't focus on your shortcomings, He sees you through perfect eyes. 

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”            1 Chronicles 16:34

Rev Julie Shannon
Highway of Hope Christian Church - Melton